Dynamic source code views
A dynamic source code view shows the source code and local variable values of only one method from the call stack of a thread and the thread's current location.
It enables quick navigation within the call stack (bottom, down, up and top). Additionally, the well-known flow control operations step in, step over and step out are supported and every thread can be inspected separately.
In order to show source code of only one method, jBixbe extracts all source code elements of the method from the source file. This reduces the space needed for source code representation to a minimum.
You can open dynamic source code views for every thread from the thread overview to find out the thread's current location. It is also possible to open a dynamic source code view for a selected method in a sequence diagram. This avoids the confusing representations of many threads within the same source code view. A dynamic source code view can be considered as a refinement of a sequence diagram.
Static source code views
A static source code view is used to have a look at the source code of a source file and allows to set breakpoints. The whole source file is displayed independent of whether the application has been started.